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Three Plans of the Environmental Beautification and Recycling Group (environmental cleaning, recycling, industrial waste source management and endpoint processing management)”

“Public Service Employment Development Plan – Three Plans of the Environmental Beautification and Recycling Group (environmental cleaning, recycling, industrial waste source management and endpoint processing management)” aims to provide employment assistance to middle-age and elder individuals, disabled individuals, and indigenes. The qualified candidates are selected and recommended by employment service centers, then screened by employment fund to be hired as government workers under the administration of county/city environment protection bureaus. To investigate the plan execution approach and competence, the auditing group formed by the investigation bureau conducts field research to learn about whether the performance meets the expected results of the public service jobs. Furthermore, through reward offered to units passing the first phase performance review, performance and results seminar, labors’ petition analysis, press coverage, and writing competition for government workers, the contribution and flaws of the plan could be reviewed and commented. The results serve as a guideline for the continuation of future plans.
Employment Development Plan